About me

Love the automation

I started my career back in 2015 after graduating from school without having that much knowledge of the IT industry. When I exposed myself to TeamCity and Octopusdeploy, which was one of my projects I worked on, I quickly learned that automation was heavily overlooked. Out of the box, TeamCity provided a ton of capabilities, but the thing I was looking for was not included. That triggered me to find a solution by myself, and I heavily invested my time in learning Powershell which led to a very long script of more than 3000+ lines of code purely to build a Xamarin app.

Looking back to that decision, has skyrocketed my career and learning to automate bits and pieces together in processes, building solutions, and has me focussed now mostly on Azure DevOps.

The Lonely Engineer

It took quite some procrastination sessions to eventually start writing my own blog. I always had this as an idea in my mind. In 2021, I wrote two articles to see how it felt and expand on the technical writing skill. It was quite tricky two wrote those articles, as it was undergoing review sessions by awesome folks that helped me a lot. Yet, writing on your own when you want it, and still having the feeling to share the knowledge that you have gained, let me to create this website. The idea grew further during the COVID-19 pandemic, and while most of the people where stuck at home on their own, that is what brought the idea of “The Lonely Engineer” to life.

My name is Gijs Reijn, living in the Netherlands and working as Cloud Engineer. You’ll find my journey of challenges and solutions that I faced during my career. Hope you will enjoy the content!

You can always find on some of the social media platforms or contact me by email.