Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps

Assign Azure roles dynamically through Azure DevOps - part 2

In this blog, you are going to build upon the basis from the first part of the series. The only pre-requisites that you need for this tutorial, is that you've followed along with the first part.

Azure DevOps

Assign Azure roles dynamically through Azure DevOps

You've probably came to this question many times, what are the three fundamental principles that need to adhere to strict compliancy frameworks? Yes, you've probably already guessed it. Security, traceability and audibility. Azure DevOps services comes with these principles in mind, but how can you make it visible that Azure roles are assigned against your Azure environment?

Azure DevOps

Building quality Powershell modules

When working in multiple teams, it might become quite difficult to follow code styling rules for your Powershell modules that you publish to your fellow engineers. How can you make sure that the team adheres to code styles rules? Is it possible to protect your main branch before relasing your proffesional Powershell module?

Azure DevOps

Lets cache node modules with Azure DevOps

You have probably spend times waiting to restore packages for your Node projects during your build process, especially in larger projects. But how can you make it faster and more efficient? Let's explore the pipeline caching functionality from Azure DevOps.
